
Add the ability to do RESTful APIs with Meteor 0.6.5 and up.

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This package is deprecated. I will fix bugs, but will neither add new features nor ensure future Meteor compatibility. Everything that this package is capable of can now be accomplished using iron-router server-side routes and core Meteor packages (for example accounts-password).

In fact, some folks seem to have done just that with this restivus package. It shares all the features of reststop2, with a similar API and planned support for Meteor 0.9.0+. Check it out!

Thanks for using reststop2.


RESTstop makes it easy to create RESTful APIs built on top of Meteor, for use with external systems (or if you're just too lazy to get DDP+SRP working).

It is essentially a fork of Meteor Router, with API-specific modifications:

  • It doesn't come with all the front-end routing.
  • It makes sure it's run higher in the stack so that your routes aren't ignored.
  • You can authenticate users via the API, and access this.user.

Writing An API

Here's some simple API methods:

if (Meteor.isServer) {

  // Global configuration
    use_auth: true

  // Maps to: /api/get_user
  RESTstop.add('get_user', function() {
    if (! this.user) {
      return { is_loggedin: false };

    return {
      is_loggedin: true,
      username: this.user.username

  // Maps to, for example: /api/get_num/42
  RESTstop.add('get_num/:num?', function() {
    if (! this.params.num) {
      return [403, {
        success: false,
        message: 'You need a num as a parameter!'

    return this.params.num;

  // Maps to: /api/posts
  RESTstop.add('posts', { require_login: true }, function() {
    var posts = [];

    Posts.find({ owner_id: this.user._id }).forEach(function(post) {

      // Modify the post here...


    return posts;

Configuration Options

The following options are available for RESTstop.configure:

  • use_auth
    • Default: false
    • If true, /login and /logout routes are added. You can also access this.user, which will be false if not logged in.
  • api_path
    • Default: 'api'
    • The base path for your API. If you use 'api' and add a route called 'get_user', the URL will be ''
  • pretty_json
    • Default: false
    • Render formatted JSON in response.
  • bodyParser:

Route Options

The following options (2nd parameter) are available for RESTstop.add:

  • require_login
    • Default: false
    • If true, the method will return a 403 if the user is not logged in.
  • method
    • Default: undefined
    • A string ('POST') or array (['POST', 'GET']) of allowed HTTP methods.

URL Structure

The path is the first parameter of RESTstop.add. You can pass it a string or regex. If you pass it test/path, the full path will be

If you want to pass in parameters, use a :. So, post/:id will match things like api/post/123. You'll be able to access the value using

If you want to make a parameter optional, use ?. So, post/:id? will match both api/post and api/post/123.

If someone accesses an undefined route, by default a 404 and {success: false, message: "API method not found"}. You can overide this by using * as your route, which acts as a catch-all.

Method Context

Each method gets access to:

  • this.user
    • The user object. It's only available if use_auth is true. If not logged in, it will be false.
  • this.params
    • A collection of all parameters. This includes parameters extracted from the URL, parameters from the query string and POST'd data.
  • this.request
  • this.response

Response Data

You can return a raw string:

return "That's current!";

Or, a raw JSON object:

return { json: 'object' };

Or, a raw array (must wrap it in another array):

return [ [ 'red', 'green', 'blue' ] ];

Or, include a status code by using an array with the status code as the first element:

return [404, { success: false, message: "There's nothing here!" }];

Or, include a status code AND headers (first and second elements, respectively):

return [404, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, { success: false, message: "There's nothing here!" }];

Or, skip using a function at all:

RESTstop.add('/404', [404, "There's nothing here!"]);

Accessing Server Methods

You can access server methods using, 'method_name', args1, ...]):

result =, 'method_name', arg1, arg2);

Or using apply:

result = RESTstop.apply(this, 'method_name', [arg1, arg2]);

You can also get published data in a similar manner:

result = RESTstop.getPublished(this, 'method_name', [arg1, arg2]);
result.fetch() // You'll need to manually fetch the results

If you have use_auth on and the user is authenticated (see above), you'll be able to access this.userId and Meteor.user() as normal.

(Note: This all seems to be working, however it's the hackiest part of this whole package -- be very cautious and test well.)

Consuming A RESTstop API

The following uses the above code.

Any results specified by RESTstop (mostly errors) will include a JSON object with a boolean named success and a string called message.

Basic Usage

We can call our get_num the following way. Note the /api/ in the URL (defined with the api_path option above):

curl --data "num=5" http://localhost:3000/api/get_num/

Or (using the optional :id from the URL):

curl http://localhost:3000/api/get_num/5


If you have use_auth set to true, you now have a /login method that returns a userId and loginToken. You must save these, and include them in subsequent requests.

(Note: Make sure you're using HTTPS, otherwise this is insecure. In an ideal world, this should only be done with DDP and SRP, but, alas, this is a RESTful API.)

curl --data "password=testpassword&user=test" http://localhost:3000/api/login/

The response will look something like this, which you must save (for subsequent requests):

{ success: true, loginToken: "f2KpRW7KeN9aPmjSZ", userId: fbdpsNf4oHiX79vMJ }

Authenticated Calls

Since this is a RESTful API (and it's meant to be used by non-browsers), you must include the loginToken and userId with each request.

curl --data "userId=fbdpsNf4oHiX79vMJ&loginToken=f2KpRW7KeN9aPmjSZ" http://localhost:3000/api/posts/

Or, pass it as a header. This is probably a bit cleaner:

curl -H "X-Login-Token: f2KpRW7KeN9aPmjSZ" -H "X-User-Id: fbdpsNf4oHiX79vMJ" http://localhost:3000/api/posts/

Thanks To

Thanks to the following awesome projects, which I borrowed/stole ideas and code from: